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The Benefits of Manga for Young Readers (and 成年人!)

A common misconception is that graphic novels are “too easy” because they’re picture-formatted stories, 但事实远非如此! Instead of just reading 单词 on a page, graphic novels allow the reader to visually recognize how panels work together as the images further the narrative. They are especially appealing to those who don’t like reading text-heavy books because many of them tell compelling stories with fewer 单词 and more visuals. Add manga into the equation and even more doors of possibility open. In fact, there are many benefits of manga for young readers and adults.


Basically, they are Japanese illustrated stories that cover a wide variety of 主题. They rely heavily on visual language, 对话, and sound effects much like movies, which is why many end up adapted into anime (Japanese animated shows and movies). That said, with a wide variety of 主题 comes a wide variety of intended audiences for manga. There are many great series out there specifically for kids to enjoy, such as Chi的甜蜜之家. However, it’s essential to recognize that not everything illustrated is meant for kids. Just as there are stylized comics here in the West meant for mature audiences, 这同样适用于漫画. 作为纽约公共皇冠大全买球 解释了, just because a manga features cute or childish characters does not mean it’s appropriate for children.

Navigating Controversy Surrounding Manga

To address the elephant in the room: Yes, there is some controversy surrounding manga in the West. Unfortunately, manga tends to fall under scrutiny on both sides of the political aisle. Lack of understanding about what manga is and lack of basic research into a story’s context/intended audience contribute to such criticism. 授予, this and admittedly biased take on a larger conversation, but that’s a different discussion for another time. The takeaway for parents especially is this: it’s important to consider each series independently and it is up to you to decide what is acceptable for your child to read. 广州公共皇冠大全买球有一个 优秀的导游 让你更容易做出决定.

The Unique Benefits of Manga Reading

Back to the good stuff, a Japan-wide 调查 found that an overwhelming majority of citizens believe reading manga is good for children in multiple ways, such as enriching sensitivity and expressiveness—and they’re not wrong! Manga engages your brain in ways regular books don’t. What surprises first-time manga readers is that you read the books “backwards.” In Japan they read from right-to-left rather than left-to-right like we do here, so manga offers a unique challenge right off the bat by presenting you with a new way to read! 此外, 学习看图片, 单词, and sound effects (onomatopoeia) together helps you more accurately process the story and images through 多模式学习. 这是特别的 有用的 for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder due to its restrictive, repetitive patterns and emphasis on visual language. Manga can also introduce new cultures, 主题, and ideas in a way that’s easier to digest than through text alone. What’s more, it can help young readers—especially teens—connect and relate to 个人的旅行 they may be experiencing but have difficulty talking about. The biggest benefit of all, in my humble opinion, is that manga is exciting and fun for all ages!


There are so many interesting series to choose from that it can be hard to determine where to start. The linked articles above offer some great recommendations, but you can always ask your local friendly librarian right here! Or maybe we can pick your brain and discover something new ourselves. Do you have a manga series you love but can’t find it here at the library? 给我们发一封 购买请求! Alternatively, you can always request an 馆际互借! It’s never too late to start reading manga, no matter how old you are. There’s something for everyone to enjoy, so why not give it a try yourself? 你的大脑会感谢你的!

